
Our Namibian Adventure – Written by Elen Robshaw, 5-week expeditioner!

  Week one of our Namibian adventure, and it’s fair to say we were thrown into it at the deep end.

After our twelve-hour flight, four miss-placed bags in Johannesburg, three of which were found when the rest of us arrived in Upington, a short stop at The Guest House to get the rest of our group and a rocky forty-minute ride to base camp, we were shown our tents and fed a traditional Namibian meal of potjie, pap and home-baked bread. After our meal, we were given a briefing from Dre and Red, our fearless camp managers, on what we were going to do and what was expected of us while we were here. At nine the next morning, we packed our rucksacks and set off on an almost three-hour trek down to the Orange River through a dried-up river bed. When we arrived at the river, everyone immediately jumped into the river to cool off and we spent the rest of the day relaxing by the river, setting up our tents and setting up the fire, ready for dinner. In the evening, we ate our rice and sausage dinner while admiring the crystal-clear view of the Milky Way and all the stars around it before trying the two types of whiskey Red had brought with him and heading to bed.


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