
Wild, Beauty, FUN!

I absolutely loved my time at Oana, easily one of the best trips of my life. It balanced work with play perfectly and I never felt bored for one moment, with every activity having a clear purpose it made it even more satisfying. However by far the most enjoyable aspect of my time at Oana was the atmosphere, at no time did I feel like I was a tourist, Dre and Red made camp a home for us in our brief stay and I cant thank them enough. My top two activities are probably rafting and the camera traps, but its hard to say with certainty as I enjoyed every activity. The three words to describe Oana would be wild, beauty, FUN!

( Still can’t believe I fell for the helicopter pizza delivery )


James Allsop



Biltong, White Water Rafting, Campfire Moments and of course Big Bunny!

Our week started with a two-day hike across the conservancy to the Orange River, something we had all been looking forward to and dreading at the same time. The night before we set off, we scaled up the side of a hill for a sundowner, where we were told by Red and Dre that our hike over the next day would be a chilled three hour walk and wouldn’t be too strenuous, relief to both mine and Mia’s ears who were struggling to even get to up the slope for the sundowner. The start of the hike was early next morning, and we all set off at a good pace with plenty of scaling up mountains, and nibbling on the biltong we had made with Karlene earlier in the week. Red had the treat of carrying two mattresses on his back the whole way, and Max managed to leave his water bottle a few hundred metres back which led to a sprint there and back from him, but on the whole, it was a smooth start.


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